July 13, 2006

The Day I've Had

Pretty rotten, actually. One of those days that makes me wish I work somewhere else, doing something entirely different.

It was so bad, in fact, that after work I went to the grocery store to destress.

And this, my friends, is what happens when I go a little wacky.

I was doing fine until I got to the frozen breakfast aisle. Normally this is an aisle I skip, but for some reason I felt the need to gaze upon 20 different brands of frozen bacon, egg and hash brown meals wrapped in their little cellophane coffins. Then I saw them...Origami pancakes. Imagine it: pancakes you can fold into little tiny cranes! In my mind I had worked almost all the way through each tiny crease before I realized that there probably isn't any such item (but what a GREAT idea!). Upon retracing my steps I was met with much disappointment; original pancakes. Not origami. :( Somebody should tell Swanson about this, seriously. Or IHOP.

I like to shop when I feel overworked, but it's not always a good combination. For instance, I also stood for at least 10 minutes staring at the microwave popcorn, trying to pick the one that has the most butter flavoring. (The Russian takes his popcorn very seriously, but sometimes I just refuse to make it the old-fashioned way.) I finally decided that the popcorn with the highest fat content per serving was probably what I wanted. I'll let you know.

The gift is packaged, mostly. I need to find some tissue paper or maybe a smaller box, I'm not sure. Whichever one my hand lands on first will win. Carl's gone to the new house to check on something, and Alice of the Palace is basking in somewhat undivided attention on my feet.

My cool ties made it to Florida, and will be on their way to a desert somewhere far, far away probably tomorrow. Glad I could help. Looks like those are still on the wanted list for next month, so maybe I'll get some more knocked out. I'm sure I've got some appropriate fabric somewhere. (You can all stop laughing now...I am getting to be very sensitive regarding my fabric "addiction", as you are all so intent on calling it. I bet I could have this added to the ADA and then you'd feel bad, wouldn't you!)

Ok, off to locate some wrapping paper. Word has it the wrapping station is under one of the spare room beds. Pray for me, please :)

Posted by tomiandc at July 13, 2006 09:33 PM