July 08, 2006

Family Reunion

Writing from my mom's. Went to the family reunion today, fun time was had by all. The Russian talked to Uncle Jimmy for an hour about assorted engineering things.

We stopped at Boomland on the way back, as usual. They've really redone that place after their fire. (insert comment here about how they should have tried burning it down long ago if they wanted to make such improvements)

We're heading back tomorrow afternoon, probably earlier rather than later.

The cats will not stop trying to climb the window screens in the family room. Cannot wait until their little claws come out on Tuesday :)

I'll be glad to get back home tomorrow. My mom wants us to bring one of her dogs back with us so I can work with him, but I don't think that's happening. Alice is pretty stubborn, but this dog takes the cake. Ok, well, I'd still probably take him home with me but the Russian is resistant. Not that I blame him. That would make over 300 pounds of dog at our house. And I do have 2 cats going in for surgery in a couple of days.

I just checked today and the vtr site had over 125k hits last month. I had no idea. That's pretty wild; that site just sort of runs itself, which is cool :)

BTW, RTD not only called and told me (yesterday) that my bike was done and I could pick it up, they called me Thursday and told me my parts were in! I thought about calling Overturf and letting them know, but I decided it's just not worth it. So...RTD=good, Overprice=the debil!

I cannot wait to get my bike back. Tuesday, Tuesday, Tuesday.

Posted by tomiandc at July 8, 2006 10:13 PM