May 23, 2006


I almost forgot to post something this morning. It's been pretty nutty around here. Nothing I can talk about yet, but in a week or two I'm sure I'll have plenty to write about.

The cats continue to thrive, and amuse me to no end. Vic is determined to be able to jump from the floor to the top of the coffee table. For those of you who haven't been to our house, the living room tables are marble and metal, nothing soft about them. Last night I watched Vic attempt to jump over and over, each time smacking himself in the mouth on one of the metal rails. They are getting sweeter (maybe dumber, too) by the day. Vic will let you hold him on his back and cradle him. Kenny will put up with it for awhile, but he really just wants to play. They both really like me now that they've realized I'm connected to the big bag o'food. ha!

My fish died last night. I'm not sure what went wrong, exactly, but whatever it was took out my shrimp, too. I dunno if something got into the tank, or what. The levels all seemed to be ok, but now of course the nitrate is spiking. I know that I was having trouble with my heater, and the temp had dropped some, but not enough to cause massive death. I'm a little sad...Prince Albert was my first little salty, and everyone always commented on how pretty he was. I wasn't sure what to do at first, whether to get another fish, or put the tank away until I can get my 55 set up. I think I'm going to let the tank run for a couple of months before I decide. The crab is still in there, and he seems to be doing alright so far. I'm thinking about getting a skunk clown, but we'll see.

Seems like there's been a lot of death and destruction at our house lately, huh?

Last night I weeded out part of the front flower garden. It's shaping up nicely. I went ahead and trimmed back the Easter lilies and raked that part out. I need to put down some new mulch once I get it all sorted. Carl and I took the little Jeep out to dinner, and then to Lowes. I ended up bringing home a bleeding heart. I used to have one up under the porch until it didn't come back one year. I'll probably plant it tonight. They had a lot of hostas! Holy cow! I have several of them at home, and wouldn't pay money for one nowadays. Actually, I have one giant blue-leafed variety at the corner of the driveway/sidewalk, and it's split into 3 plants. I need to separate them and plant them somewhere else. The leaves are really too big to be where it's planted.

I think I'm going to plant some annuals in the bed between the living room and sidewalk. Last year I ripped out a bunch of ivy that was growing in that area, and I liked leaving it bare, but I think this year I'll plant something there. Something not permanent, though. So what to plant? Impatiens? Begonias? Dusty miller? (actually, I know that dusty miller is an annual, but for some reason it usually comes back the next year for me. I had to kill some I had in the round bed out front that would NOT go away) I don't think that area gets enough sun for petunias. I'm a little worried that rabbits and squirrels will eat whatever I plant there, but I guess I can try some stuff and see what happens. Maybe I'll put some little marigolds out there. I'd like to have some color there.

I think that's all for today. Busy here.

Posted by tomiandc at May 23, 2006 12:47 PM