March 20, 2006

Welcome Back to Normal

Well, sort of. The power is back on at work today. However, we're expected to get 8" of snow tonight and tomorrow, so who knows how long that will last. Poor power company. I know they're exhausted.

Weekend was pretty good. My spring cleaning is done, and the quilters got 3 tops finished up Saturday. Yesterday we went to early church and then came home and crashed. My mom left around 10, and I played around with the Yellow Brick Road pattern some. Otherwise we didn't get much productive stuff done yesterday ;)

Tonight we'll probably hit the auction in Glenarm if it's not snowing already, and then run some laundry and mess around at home while it blizzards outside. Maybe do a water change on the tank.

281 emails over the weekend...I can feel the love you guys! heehee

Listening to: Blur - Song 2
Freecell game: 5249

Posted by tomiandc at March 20, 2006 09:06 AM