March 06, 2006

Not Sick!

Hahaha! I'm NOT sick! I think it was just someone's perfume in our office today that made me sneeze so much. I can only hope!

And what is it anyway with people who want to wear gobs of perfume to an office building? Or the mall, or church, or anywhere that a lot of other people are bound to be around, for that matter...

I've been working on the blocks of the month from Calico Hearts Quilt Shop, and the more I work on them, the more pleased I am with my progress. I still don't like working with Thangles, I think that they make everything a little more difficult than it needs to be, but my little tape markers on the back of my ruler are working out very well. They really do make squaring up blocks very simple. I cut a set out for my little 3.5 x 3.5 square, and that's what I'm using on the 2.25's. Very easy! I find that I really have to square up each unit, however, I haven't yet started squaring up once I put the units together. But the blocks look very good, the points all match up, and that's what matters :)

I can't wait to see what these 2 quilts look like when I'm done. They're both samplers, one is in batiks (purple and blue with green) and the other is in more traditional calicoes (red and green with tan). Once again, I need to take photos! I'd post the final pics of the chicken quilt but my laptop with the card is at work tonight. Hopefully tomorrow, but you all know how that goes.

I need to stop working on quilts and go do some cleaning, but I'm in a rhythm and Carl is busy painting, so my job is to keep the dogs out of the way. Oh well, I can always clean later, right? Heehee!

Carl hit up Dollar Darrell's auction tonight but didn't buy anything. You never know if he'll have something that's any good or not, a lot of people just want to sell their junk for a couple bucks (hence, why we call him Dollar Darrell!). Every now and then, though, you see something pretty good. Like, say, the computer I'm writing this on!

The other auctions we go to generally have more expensive items. Doyle Auctions usually has nicer things, but they also have more people that show up to bid, and things tend to sell for more there than at DD's...I have seen items at Doyle's that were at DD's earlier that week. Hey All Right You Betcha (not the real name, but the guy says it ALL the time so we just call him haryb) is kind of in-between. He's in Edinburg, so we have to drive quite a ways, but it's decent entertainment at least. This past weekend I saw a lot of quilts sell choice, but the first lot was not the most expensive. After awhile we left just because people were getting stupid with the bidding. I need to update the links page with the auction listings for our area, yes?

Listening to: BBC - Cash In the Attic, after 2 episodes of That 70's Show
Freecell game: 5040!

Posted by tomiandc at March 6, 2006 07:47 PM