February 20, 2006

Grey's Anatomy

Man, I love this show. Now that Dr. McSteamy has shown up, I'm really hoping he sticks around. He and Addison can still hook up, and that would leave McDreamy for Meredith. But then there's still poor George. He needs somebody, too!

Ugh, my brain kind of goes to candy while I watch that show, I think.

Not much on the schedule for today. I need to create a new page for the quilt I'm making for my mom, and load up some new pictures. I'm skipping the auction tonight in favor of working on the quilt. I think I can get close to being done with it tonight if I'm careful.

Work sucks as usual. But it's Monday, so I guess that's to be expected. I was sick some yesterday. I think it was the barbecue we had on Saturday, but I can't be too sure. Carl also was not feeling too well, and kept lamenting that he had "the itis", whatever that is.

Friday night's auction didn't hold much for us. They had a Singer Featherweight, but it sold for $350...a little high for a machine that has no guarantee to work. I know they're simple machines, but I also know I can do better.

Still waiting for the Viking dealer to call me back about the transformer recall. Supposedly I'm on the waiting list. In the meantime I'm unplugging the machine when I'm not using it.

Listening to: Bloodhound Gang - No Hard Feelings
Drinking: nothing yet
Freecell game: 4625. If I play 25 games everyday for the next month I'll hit 5000 before St. Pat's :)

Posted by tomiandc at February 20, 2006 09:00 AM