September 07, 2005


I don't feel any older.
Or smarter.

I did get flowers today :)
And I'm the newest member of the Capitol Canine Training Club!
I set my cell phone to play Happy Birthday.

It's not like this puts me into the next age bracket on any surveys...most of them go until 34. So 32 is kind of a boring birthday. I'll probably clean the living room tonight. The blinds need to be vacuumed and the windows should be washed.

The front door looks awesome, btw. Carl really did an excellent job painting it and the trim. It's very bare wreath, no decorations. I need to come up with a basket for the dog stuff.

Everyone should have a featherbed. Well, unless you're allergic, I guess.
I'm shopping for down comforters now.

Posted by tomiandc at September 7, 2005 12:17 PM