August 19, 2005

Why Auctions Rule

And also...why my husband rules, too (yay, honey!). We were at Doyle Auction tonight, and they had a Husqvarna Viking Designer 1 machine (sewing for you non-cool people). Anyway, they sell for around $5000 new, and I snagged this one for $1550. From what I can tell, the embroidery unit was never used, and the feet were still sealed up in the original bag, so I doubt anybody ever sewed much with it. Several people congratulated me on my way out of the building, for the excellent deal I got. I think I'll not be sleeping much tonight.

So far it's working fine. I think my Mom wants to buy my regular machine, and probably the Snoopy embroidery machine. Pictures should be forthcoming.

Also, I managed to fix the problem I was having with the Kenmore. Actually, it fixed itself, I turned it on and all of a sudden it worked. Go me! Now I can start working on the new Quilt for the Cure project, but I'll be doing that on the new machine now. What should I name it? Ole or Sven?

I think I'll be beside myself for a few days....

Listening to: Jay Leno
Drinking: nothing
Reading: instruction book!

Posted by tomiandc at August 19, 2005 10:49 PM