Went to the Glenarm auction last night. Imagine my surprise when I turned around to see a replica of the sewing desk I got for my Mom the last time I was there! At first I thought she'd dropped it off on her way home this weekend, since I was sure there couldn't be another like it. Then I noticed that this one had all of the knobs on the front. So I called her and asked her if she wanted it. Ended up taking it for $1.
Carl also got some tools (big expense for the night, tool box and all for $6), and a book by Ted Owens, called "How to Contact Space People". He paid $1, apparently somebody is trying to sell them for almost $200. If anybody wants this one for $200, mail me (haha!).
Decided to bring my lunch to work today so I could save gas. Yeah, me. I also brought the scarf I've been working on (knitting), so maybe I can finish it. It'd be nice to be able to work on knitting projects at lunch so I don't have to feel guilty about doing it when I'm at home. I think my next project will be some squares for the afghan project here (local yarn shop takes them and has somebody put them together for afghans for the homeless). Speaking of homeless people, and I certainly don't mean this as a slam, but since when are they not known as homeless, but as "resource-challenged"?
Listening to: XM, the 80s, Styx - Mr. Roboto (yes, I have no shame)
Reading: email
Drinking: Diet Mt Dew